The 411 on Bacterial Vaginosis

Posted on: 3 April 2017

From the ability to fertilize eggs and carry a child to the actual miracle of childbirth, the female reproductive system can do a lot. Unfortunately, this complicated system goes through numerous changes over a woman's lifespan, making it one of the most difficult parts of the body to understand. Properly understanding the signs and symptoms of common ailments will ensure you remain healthy. An estimated 21.2 million women between the ages of 14 and 49 develop bacterial vaginosis, so learning about this common infection is key to your health.
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4 Options For Infertility Treatments

Posted on: 28 July 2016

Many couples struggle to conceive. It is not unusual for a couple to need medical assistance to have a child. Science has evolved so much that there are many options to make it easier for couples to have their baby. Here are some things that you need to know about getting infertility treatments. 1. Medication To Help Ovulation Some women have a hard time with ovulating. They might not ovulate every month, ovulate irregularly, or have only one healthy ovary.
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3 No-Gos If You Gotta Go: What Not To Eat Or Drink To Avoid Worsening Your Post-Pregnancy Incontinence

Posted on: 16 May 2016

Along with a beautiful baby and seemingly permanent bags under your eyes, pregnancy has somehow left you with the inability to go more than an hour or so without peeing, lest you ruin yet another pair of pants by leaking. But did you know what you're eating and drinking might play a part in why you have to go so often? If you're looking for foods and drinks to avoid due to your post-pregnancy incontinence, then here's what you need to know.
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The Change Is Upon You: 3 Tips For Controlling Menopausal Weight Gain

Posted on: 18 April 2016

If you're approaching menopause, you know that your body is going to undergo a lot of changes. Some of those changes include hormone fluctuations, hot flashes and mood swings. Unfortunately, another change may include your weight. As you approach menopause, your metabolism changes. Not only that but you might also become less active, which can also affect your weight. One of the problems with weight gain during menopause is that most of your added weight will gather right around your midsection.
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